10 Mistakes People Make With Their Money

business cash flow management

If these actions weren’t so downright dangerous, they might be humorous. Are you making these mistakes with your hard-earned money?

1. They never figure out how much money they actually need each week to do better than just pay their bills. They don’t have a budget set up.

The correct definition of a BUDGET is: the calculation of the amount of money needed for an area [organization or household] to function and achieve its purpose. If you are satisfied to just pay your bills, and you don’t pay yourself first into some type of savings plan, you will make other people wealthy and you will stay poor.

Every supplier you pay is in business to make a profit. You should run your business and your household the same way: like a business that is expected to make a profit. The income target must include a profit or the enterprise will go broke and fail.

2. They don’t work out ways to make more money than they currently need, and then do whatever it takes to execute the plan.

By UNDER estimating the amount of money needed to do better than just break even, they typically set their income target too low and lose money by living on credit instead of going into action to raise their income. Anyone can find ways to make more money; it is often the “willingness to do whatever it takes” that is the problem.

There are two classes of wealthy people. The large majority of wealthy people are working all the time. They have a purpose they are pursuing, and it isn’t money. Money is a sub-product they expect from their work. Their goals and purposes are the driving force in their lives.

The small minority is often called the “Idle Rich” and they are bored to death. They have seen it all, and done it all twice over and there is no thrill left in life. Think about it. If you had done everything you dreamed of and owned everything you could possible want, and were spending your days sitting by the pool in some swank hotel nursing a beverage with a little umbrella in it, would you wish you had some productive work to do? I’d bet my next few paychecks you would.

3. They habitually spend more money than they make.

Using money to buy the “appearance” of having more money than you actually have is a dangerous activity. I call this type of spender a Gratification Groupie. This can catch up with you quickly and eventually drown you in debt. This causes constant worry about money and makes for lots of sleepless nights. Money truly cannot buy happiness. But doing something productive and worthwhile and knowing you are appreciated for it can make you feel like a million bucks.

Most truly wealthy people are not interested in appearing to be wealthy, they are too busy having fun helping others in life and making more money as a result of that. Rich people always pay themselves first, have cash stashed in several places, are always interested in being productive and expect their productivity to produce more income. They don’t worry about money, and they sleep well at night.

4. They don’t figure out what they need to buy in the future and then set aside a little money each week so they can pay cash for the purchase later.

Buying something with a credit card that you can’t pay off when the statement arrives is committing your future earnings to the credit card company. You are then working for the credit card company as an economic slave.

The correct way to buy things, especially big ticket items, is to set aside a little each week till you have the cash to pay for the item, and then go out and negotiate a big cash discount. The guy with the CASH IS KING!

I recently did this when I bought my current car. I found the exact car I wanted. It was 2 years old, had 21,000 miles on it and was still under warranty. The dealer wanted $29,500 for the car. I got it for $17,500 and got an extended warranty thrown in on the deal. Don’t buy new cars. The second the front tires move off the dealer’s lot onto the street, it becomes a “used car” and loses about 25% of its value.

5. They buy products and services based on WANT rather than on NEED.

Buying decisions should be based on how your purchase of the product or service can help you produce additional income for you. Honestly, do you want the latest cell phone that offers text messaging and email retrieval because your friends have one, or do you need it to be more efficient because you are out of the office traveling to close the next business deal?

6. They don’t put money into a long-term savings plan so they have it for use later in life.

If you are relying on other peoples’ future production to pay you Social Security payments so you can retire, that is really taking a gamble.

Despite the fact the government says the cost of living is going up 3 – 3.5% a year, the truth is that it is going up 8 – 12% a year. You have to make that much more income just to stay even. Why does the government say it is only 3 – 3.5%? Unfortunately for the senior citizens, it’s because they government has to raise Social Security payments each year by the cost of living increase they quote. The Social Security system is already bankrupt and those living on Social Security are headed in that direction by going in the hole 5 – 9% every year. Are YOU planning on retiring on Social Security payments alone?

7. They never develop multiple sources of income. If one source dries up they are in trouble financially.

The old saying “don’t put all your eggs into one basket” holds true today, especially for income sources. Look for products or services that you can add, or business ventures you can get involved in that are ethical, and have a great chance of producing a consistent income. The best type of income is “residual income” where you create something that continues to generate income for you while you are off doing other things. For example if you wrote a book and sold it on the internet as a download where potential customers could buy it 24 hours a day around the world.

8. They get stressed out about how little interest their bank pays on savings accounts while they are getting killed with much higher interest debt by carrying balances on their credit cards.

If you have substantial credit debt, you are better off using excess cash to reduce the debt and stop the high interest payments instead of trying to earn interest from the bank. As you pay off your debt, you should also keep enough cash on hand to cover a few months of living expenses and the unexpected emergency.

Once the debt is gone, or will be soon, then start investing the excess money where you can get real growth. I use a Certified Financial Planner to invest my money for me so I don’t have to do all the research and trading actions. I let the expert do what he does best while I am busy making more income.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think investing in real estate is great if it provides more cash flow in than what you have to pay out. The truth is that any real estate is a liability as long as you have to make payments on it. Only when it is paid off does it become a true asset.

9. They worry about “the economy” in general.

I’m amazed that people are actually more worried about “the economy” than they are about their business or household failing financially. They worry about what the media is reporting about “the economy” which is something they can’t control, while never looking at how they are can affect the economy of their own business or household, which is something they CAN control.

A rise in unemployment is no reason to worry. Small business creation of new jobs far outweighed the loss of jobs in big corporations, according to the latest ADP report. A failing bank is no reason to panic. Banks get bailouts from the FDIC and other investors. No one is standing by to bail out your failing business or household. That is entirely up to you. So stash some cash in a safe, in a bank, or better yet, a tax deferred retirement plan, and sleep well at night while the bad news about “the economy” rages around you.

10. They expect to survive financially without taking full responsibility for controlling their financial future.

There is a very simple solution to money problems. Cut expenses, increase your income, and correctly manage what income you do get. It’s not only about how much money you make, it’s what you do with your money that determines your financial condition.

Correct money management is something educational institutions don’t teach. People get false information and bad advice about how to handle money. Then they make these silly mistakes, get into trouble, try to solve the problem using credit, create more trouble, and then go looking for debt relief.

Fortunately there is a proven, inexpensive, easy-to-install, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use Cash Flow Mojo software system that can reverse all the money management mistakes a person has made in the past, and keeps them from making those same mistakes in the future. It is an old-school system that your great grandparents used before the days of credit cards. Very wealthy people know and use this system today.

Sandra Simmons, President of Money Management Solutions, Inc. specializes in helping business owners and individuals manage their money to achieve their financial goals

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