Business Cash Flow Management – 7 Steps to Controlling Cash Flow

business cash flow management
7 Steps To Controlling Cash Flow

Ever wondered how to control your business cash flow so you have no worries about money?

Are you working hard to reach your financial goals and feel like you are running in quicksand?

Are you spending more than you make and going deeper in debt? You CAN reverse that trend!

The first thing you need know is this: if you are making financial planning decisions based on how much money is in the bank right now, then you are being controlled by the money, and this usually creates a constant worry about money problems. You need to control the cash flow to achieve your financial goals; not the other way around.

Fortunately, there is a business cash flow management software system that you can use to control your income and debts to get on the road to financial freedom. Unfortunately, too many business owners are still completely unaware that it exists.

The 7 Steps of The Cash Flow Mojo® Management System

Are you ready to take charge of your financial future? Okay, then here are the seven steps of this business cash flow control system that you can use to get in control of your cash flow.

Cash Flow Management Step 1 – Budget Correctly

Accurately predict how much money is needed to operate the company this week and in the future. Figure out exactly what has been spent, by category, over the past year and then add in increases for cost increases, future expansion and that all important wealth building plan. This becomes the budget. The correct definition of budget here is: the amount of money it takes for the organization to function and to attain its goals. That is also called the “better than break-even point” and tells you the amount of income required to survive, not just to stay afloat. This is the first step in the effective cash flow management formula.

Cash Flow Management Step 2 – Get Paid Well For What You Do

Figure out how to collect the amount of income needed, and more, to do better than just break even. Review costs and your prices to maintain or increase profitability. Establish cash flow policies to insure you get paid, like not accepting checks if you get a lot of bad checks, and sending invoices to collections that are 60 days past due. Remember, you’re taking charge of your financial future here.

Cash Flow Management Step 3 – Confront and Handle The Debt

Find out exactly how much you owe in bills and other debts. This takes a bit of courage to confront, but what you don’t know because you’re just not looking at it, can undermine your profit and wealth building progress. Cut discretionary spending. Figure out a plan to start knocking down the debt. (Note: for a business, spending on promotion is NOT discretionary, it is mandatory.)

Cash Flow Management Step 4 – Spend Less That You Make

Find out how much of your incoming cash flow is actually available to spend. Most business owners forget that when the money comes in, some of it is already committed. When you spend more than you brought in, the difference usually ends up on a credit card as debt. When you are working to achieve your financial goals, don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Spending more than your available cash flow can cripple your business.

Cash Flow Management Step 5 – Pay Yourself First

Set aside regular amounts of money from your weekly cash flow for emergencies, business expansion, legal defense and taxes, and savings for your long-term wealth building plan. On a personal level – from every dime of your salary, always pay yourself first and put the money in savings or investments that will grow over time. You cannot rely on Social Security taking care of you. So if you don’t pay you into a retirement plan, who will?

Cash Flow Management Step 6 – Allocate the Cash Flow to YOUR Best Financial Advantage

Portion out some of your money toward paying past-due bills, debt, current bills, and then portion out a bit for future large expenses that are difficult to pay when they come due. Careful, consistent business money management can speed up your business wealth building progress.

Cash Flow Management Step 7 – Use Your Cash Flow to Create More Income

Use any money left over in ways that increase your ability to produce more income. Why is cash flow management important to a business owner? Your cash flow is the energy and life blood of a business. It is necessary to pump it through the income producing areas to keep it running well. Everything runs smoother when cash is available.

Seems simple, right? And it is simple. This system is easily learned, and can be used to do these seven steps of business cash flow management planning in very little time each week. It does, however, take personal discipline and commitment to achieve the goal of financial independence so you never have to worry about money again. Done correctly and consistently, the end result is always having lots of cash on hand, all bills paid, and plenty of money in reserves to finance what you really want to do with your money; not just pay bills. Who doesn’t want that, right?


Sandra Simmons, President of Money Management Solutions, Inc. says, “Use your cash flow wisely. Treat it as a resource to use to achieve your financial goals. Correctly managing your cash flow will determine how well your company will survive now and into the future. Correctly applying these seven steps of smart business money management planning is simple when you use the Cash Flow Mojo® software because it quickly puts you in control of your financial future.”

Photo Credit – fotor-ai-2023080482919

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