The Benefits of Business Cash Flow Management Coaching

business cash flow management

Today I want to talk with you about the benefits of cash flow management coaching.

Every professional needs a coach.

Even when they are winning!

A coach is there to help push and guide the professional beyond what they thought possible.

A coach is tough and relentless in ensuring the professional is working toward his or her optimum, and offers support throughout the process to ensure the attainment of a specific result.

What difference would it make to the financial stability of your business if you had a cash flow management coach working with you?

I use a tried and proven system of cash flow control that ensures the business will prosper, will have no debt, and will pay you — the owner — what you deserve to be paid!

I’ve done accounting, tax preparation and cash flow management coaching for over 20 years, so I know what I’m doing.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and dug them out of the depths of despair and turned them into “Financial Athletes” worthy of a Gold Medal.

Here are a few of the industries my clients work in. You’ll notice there are retailers, manufacturers, construction companies, hotels, restaurants, real estate brokers and agents, transportation services, auto mechanics, small service businesses, and healthcare providers such as dentists, veterinarians, chiropractors, optometrists, and podiatrists. Even accounting firms have used my services.

Let’s take a look at what it is like to have a cash flow management coach.

A business owner has a problem with cash flow and profitability.
He’s concerned about the problem, but doesn’t know exactly how to go about fixing it.
He’s also concerned about the time it will take him away from sales or production to fix the problem

Here are some typical examples of common cash flow problems business owners would like to get solved. They want to know
1 – How to increase income & profits
2 – How to control cash flow better
3 – How to pay off credit card debt
4 – How to get ahead of the 8-Ball on paying expenses
5 – How to pay for business expansion, and
6 — how to get money into savings to build long-term wealth

Bottom line, they are tired of being controlled by how much money they have in their bank account. They want to reverse that so they are in control of their cash flow.

The Professional coach quickly identifies the necessary solution and works directly with the business owner on the problem to get it fixed in a very short time and offers ongoing support if it is needed.

Here are a few examples of the tools that I use in my cash flow management coaching:
I Review the financial situation to identify areas of concern in cash flow management,
Identify areas where spending seems too high and can be cut back without harming production, and areas where spending seems too low to adequately support production of income and acquiring new customers.

Here’s a testimonial from Mark, the owner of a manufacturing facility
“The Cash Flow Management System and Sandra’s help allowed me to fix my financial problems and change the way I do business resulting in surviving this economic turmoil. I know for a fact that I would not have been able to save my business without this change.”

That result should be the result of working with a coach.

To learn more about the benefits of cash flow management and coaching for your business, I invite you to take a short video tour of our software at and get a complimentary copy of our Business Cash Flow Control Guide while you are there.

You can even get a 30-Day trial of the Cash Flow Mojo software for less than the price of lunch — only $9.99. All the training you need is in videos built right into the software program. You will receive complimentary group coaching once per month while using the software program and there are no long term contracts either.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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